I wish to express my sincere appreciation for your personal attention, sound advice and determined effort to market, show and organize the sale of my beloved Hunter 37c sailing yacht.
I came to you with a challenge, to sell for best dollar, a yacht whose value is far from the larger and more capable yachts you successfully market and sell. You are very good at connecting prospective buyers with their preferred yachts. You did this with the yacht I owned for 20+ years. You did it with skill and your prowess in a far-reaching advertising network.
Further, you allowed me to create commentary, pictures and details on my sailing yacht and then posted them to enhance your Brokerage’s information. I can tell you that your actions have surprised many of my fellow boaters at how fast this 34 year old cutter sold. Personally involving yourself in this sale gave an element of confidence to those that inquired. You answered questions and clearly and properly represented my sailing yacht. I could not be more pleased.
One notable comment about your support staff is appropriate. Throughout I was able to reach you or one of your skilled staff to get or provide information. You led a superb team and it showed every step of the journey. Please pass on my appreciation to them also.
Troy, should there ever be an opportunity for me to sell or another boat, of any size, I will contact you. Your service to me and your performance on my behalf is extraordinary and deserves a truly hardy “WELL DONE.”