Determined to Explore
One Man’s Relentless Pursuit of his Bluewater Dream
With a 35-year love for boating and an infectious enthusiasm for adventure, Monty Recoulley refused to allow health issues to sideline one of his favorite pastimes. “I’ve run my own business since I was 26,” he explains. “You go to work every day and problems arise, but you cannot let those problems stop your business. You go over them, around them; You can’t let anything stand in your way.” Now a three-time cancer survivor, he explains, “That’s how I treat my illness, nothing stands in my way.”

Searches and Sales
Recoulley first met Bluewater’s Scott James on the docks of the Hampton Yachting Center to tour a couple exclusive brokerage listings. While considering his budget and the potential for future maintenance needs on an older boat, he stopped in his tracks when he spotted a new Back Cove 37. “Blue hull, white top—that boat was drop-dead gorgeous!” he recalls.
After crunching some numbers and considering the benefits of a new, low maintenance yacht still under factory warranties, Recoulley and James worked out a deal and Loose Change was commissioned. Perhaps an interesting name for a Downeast motoryacht, Recoulley explains, “My career has been in the vending machine business.”
Many memories were made on that Back Cove 37, which is laid out perfect for a cruising couple. However, the time came when Monty wanted to include his grandchildren on excursions, which would be ideal with more space at his disposal. “A fraternity brother commented that ‘at our age, we know we’re on the back nine, we just don’t know which hole,’ so I’m trying to have as many adventures as I can handle,” explains Recoulley and his decision to move up from the Back Cove.
He enlisted Scott James to help find his next boat. and a pre-owned Selene 56 trawler soon became the Loose Change II. “Buying a boat from Scott is one of the most pleasurable experiences I’ve ever had.” Recoulley continues, “He is really more of a friend than someone just selling me something. I get the feeling he wants to put the buyer with the right boat, rather than just the boat he can make the most commission on.”
“Buying a boat from Scott is one of the most pleasurable experiences I’ve ever had…”
A Deeper Connection
The trawler was purchased in South Florida and needed to make her way north to her new home. Recoulley planned an exciting journey of nearly two weeks that featured several stopovers, including St. Augustine, Fernadina Beach, Tybee Island, Myrtle Beach and more. He had the aid of partner Susan McGee and another friend crewing on different legs of the trip. “Scott called me a few times just to check in on me and make sure I was doing okay with the maiden voyage up the coast of Florida,” Recoulley explains. “There’s a level of care and concern that goes well beyond the sale of the boat.”
“Monty has become a great friend and is a very inspirational person…”
That caring relationship is reciprocal for James. “Monty has become a great friend and is a very inspirational person to me,” James says. “He has a very strong spirit.”
To understand what makes him such an inspirational figure, requires a dive into his personal health journey and three substantial bouts with cancer. Recoulley was diagnosed with prostate cancer which then moved into his bones. Malignant cells then appeared in his mouth causing him to lose part of his tongue. Most recently, the disease spread to his lower jaw, which led to a 10-hour surgery to remove the cancerous section and reconstruct it using fibula bone from his right leg. These latter surgeries left him relearning how to talk at times, but, “I have been blessed with good health up until now, and even now I don’t let bad health get in my way,” Recoulley says.
Making the Most of it
Summer plans on Loose Change II include spending time with his grandchildren on weekend cruises along coastal North Carolina, including Beaufort, Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach. “We try to have a small adventure every week and a little bit bigger adventure every other week!” he explains.
His partner and co-skipper, Susan has learned fast and can handle the lines and fenders well. “She knows what to do and she makes it possible that we can run the boat by ourselves.” Operating her own business as well makes it possible for
both to have the flexibility required to enjoy the weekly and bi-monthly adventures.
As they become more familiar with the boat, adventures into the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay will be on the itinerary. “Eventually I would like to do the Great Loop,” Recoulley states. “But there is enough to do on the East Coast to keep me happy as a clam for now.”
Recoulley explains that his passion for boating and adventure began with a dream over 35-years ago. Despite all the curve balls and obstacles since then, he has relentlessly pursued that dream and made it a reality—out of sheer determination and a positive spirit. “I do not let my life run me, I run my life,” Recoulley explains. “I also acknowledge God for the strength and ability to handle whatever comes along. I know He doesn’t give me more than I can handle, but sometimes I am amazed at His confidence in my ability!”