Peak Performer: Everglades 315CC
Peak Performer: Everglades 315CC The all-new Everglades 315CC is a notable addition to the renowned Everglades lineup, combining performance, safety and versatility in delivering an extraordinary on-water experience. Crafted with precision and attention to detail,...
North Carolina Family Going Full Throttle with New Viking 72C
North Carolina Family Going Full Throttle with New Viking 72C Chris Worden grew up in Fort Lauderdale and fondly remembers his first fishing trips with friends as a teenager. After meeting his wife Wendy at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, the couple...
New Boat Spotlight: Jarrett Bay 64
New Boat Spotlight: Jarrett Bay 64 Jarrett Bay has built many custom sportfish convertibles in the sixty-foot range over its history, but a series of recent 64’ commissions have established this size as a signature length for their custom fleet. Similar to every hull...
The Bluewater Summer Cruise Returns to a Perennial Favorite Destination
The Bluewater Summer Cruise Returns to a Perennial Favorite Destination Many years ago, Bluewater’s founders hit on a great formula to organize a casual cruise along the Chesapeake, explore different destinations, relax together, and connect with customers and...
How CMAST and the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament Collaborate on Game Fish Research
How CMAST and the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament Collaborate on Game Fish Research At the forefront of collaborative research to build a sustainable future for the fishing industry and coastal communities stands NC State’s Center for Marine Sciences and Technology...
Valhalla Enters Previously Uncharted Waters with New Models
Valhalla Enters Previously Uncharted Waters with New Models Innovation never rests at Valhalla Boatworks. Want proof? The 2024 debut of their next two models—the V-28 Bay and the V-29 Hybrid—instantly expanded the Viking and Valhalla pedigree into a smaller, nimbler...
First Look: Viking 82
First Look: Viking 82 Viking Yachts punctuated the celebration of its 60th anniversary by announcing the all-new Viking 82 C. A second-generation model, this innovative vessel succeeds the highly acclaimed 80-foot Convertible, a favorite among both customers and...
Top Sales and Support Contributions Celebrated at the Bluewater Annual Meeting
Top Sales and Support Contributions Celebrated at the Bluewater Annual Meeting Once a year, Bluewater Yacht Sales honors the hard work and efforts made by everyone on our team and recognizes the success that individuals reached in he prior calendar year. “This event...
Repeat Princess Owners Relish the Experience and Friendships
Repeat Princess Owners Relish the Experience and Friendships It was over a decade ago when Kathy and Erich Hahn first fell for Princess Yachts at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show. At the time, Bluewater Sales Professional John McDevitt (now retired)...
Avid Cruisers Go Island Hopping in their New Sabre 48
Avid Cruisers Go Island Hopping in their New Sabre 48 A lifetime of cruising will build a wealth of knowledge and experience; however, there is always more to learn. Thankfully, the boating community is as tight as they come for sharing information and looking out for...