Lines of Pedigree for a Longtime Viking Yachts Owner
The salty air offshore of Cape May, New Jersey can feel brisk at times, even in the middle of July. Perhaps it’s a welcomed relief to the sun’s heat, or it merely goes unnoticed in the midst of the action as lines tighten, rods begin to flex, voices rise and the...
Chris Hall Visiting with the Healeys at Viking Yacht headquarters
Chris Hall Visiting with the Healeys at Viking Yacht headquarters
Greeting the Princess V52
On a steamy night in the Port of Newark, New Jersey, personnel were standing by to assist in the off-load of the latest shipment of vessels originating from Princess Yachts in the United Kingdom. On this particular evening, Bluewater Sales Professional John McDevitt...
Feeling At Ease Aboard Their Viking 60C
The Johnsons pose for Bluewater sales professional Jud Black as the couple take possession of their new Viking 60 enclosed bridge convertible: At Ease
Fresh Delivery of a Bold Regulator 24
A beautifully bold Regulator 24 just delivered to a client in Maryland by BYS’ Scott MacDonald.
Full Time Cruisers Reflect on Bluewater’s Global Support
After 13 years, a long and meaningful relationship is either working or it’s not. Geof and Mary Bloom say it’s definitely working. Early in the new millennium the two met Bluewater sales professional Jud Black as they were searching to step up from a 53 convertible....
A Cabo and Back Cove Enjoy the Sunset
The Back Cove 34 and Cabo 40HTX at rest in the Hampton Bluewater Yachting Center.
A Grand Banks Delivery to the Big Apple
Catalyst, a Grand Banks 38 refit by Jarrett Bay being delivered to New York City by Capt. Joey Johnson.
BluewaterYachtSales.com is Now Mobile Optimized
Debuting the week of the Miami Yacht & Brokerage Show, Bluewater Yacht Sales recently launched an all new mobile optimized experience for their existing web site, bluewateryachtsales.com. Designed from the ground up to make searches of Bluewater’s exclusive...
2013 Bluewater Awards Ceremony
During the Miami Show, Bluewater hosted a dinner and presented our first awards since our merger. Our first year together has been successful because of each of our staff person’s tireless efforts. We realize our success is dependent on our sales team’s...