OnBoard Magazine - Issue XI - Summer 2019

Celebrating Why We Live Here conic Bivalve ALocal’sGuide toCentreville,Md. TheHiddenHistoryof theBay’sFavoriteSpice WinterCrabCount PredictsBayHarvest “IputOldBay onmyOldBay.” ButterPat’s Cast IronPan TheCocktailClass TinyHandmadeRacers with a Twist Crevalle26Bay A Littoral Standout GoodGear Summer’s in the Bag MAGAZINE June2018 MAGAZINE August2018 plus BLUEWATER BOUNTY Chasinga Catch in the OpenOcean RichardScofield’s33Years TendingBayTreasures SlowYourRoll WithSeakeeper YoungOspreys SpreadTheirWings AMysteryBeneath theChesterRiver YoungOspreys SpreadTheirWings what’s acoddie? p. 28 plus PILOTBOATDAYS Remembrances ofShipsPast RANGERTUGSR-27 A New Breed of OutboardCruiser Fast Food at the HardCrabDerby TheSt.Michaels Concoursd’Elegance EnjoytheView FromtheTop of theBay NationalFolkFestival Debuts in Salisbury MAGAZINE September2018 MAGAZINE October2018 JAY FLEMING’s PRIVATEER Makes ItsMarque The BOAT SHOW Issue FIRST LOOK — p. 88 FollowingtheTrailof HARRIET TUBMAN StarClassChampions SETSAIL INOXFORD TENDINGYOUR OYSTERGARDEN THE INSANDOUTS OFSURFFISHING plus & MURDER AT THE Holland IslandLight LifeFindsaWayOn theChesterRiver EdFarleyKeeping OysterTraditionsAlive HELMSMAN38E PlanningMakesa PracticalCruiser HOOPERS ISLAND OYSTERCOMPANY TurningScience Into ChesapeakeGold PreservingaHistoric EastonNeighborhood plus GUIDETO MARINE SERVICES p. 70 MAGAZINE November2018 RyeWhiskey ORIGINS p. 28 CHESAPEAKE BAYRETRIEVERS Who’saGoodDog? Winter’sFreezeBrings IceboatDreams EasternShoreman’s Callof theWild WhalertowneComes toAnnapolis MAGAZINE January/February2019 DORCHESTER COUNTY’S Muskrat Love plus GEARING UP AT THE BALTIMOREBOATSHOW p. 74 WATCHINGFORWHALES AMaritimeMystery MAGAZINE March2019 plus BAY STORM POCKETS Where togowhen the WeatherBlows—p . 65 THEOTHERSHELLFISH BringingBackBayScallops TILGHMANTOTHESTARS AChesapeakeBugeye’s SpaceShuttleRide TinyChristchurchSchoolTakesDown theSailingTitans — p. 32 # MadeOnTheBay TheFavoriteLuresof ChesapeakeFishermen BEYOND THE BAY Trout inthe Tributaries MAGAZINE April2019 WatermanNat Jones’ Lifeon theBay D.C.’sFishMarket NavigatesaSeaChange plus CHESAPEAKE CHEF WoodberryKitchen’s Cast IronRockfish—p . 28 VirginiaBeach’s SeiglerReels Stay informed with breaking Chesapeake news with our free Bay Bulletin newsletter. Subscribe at ChesapeakeBayMagazine.com