OnBoard Magazine - Issue XI - Summer 2019

Where all your passions Mar l in ' s coverage of big-game f i shing around the globe i s avai lable on iPhone and Android devices providing ins ight anywhere in the wor ld. The mobi le edi t ions are complete i ssues of the magazine wi th al l the coverage of boats , dest inat ions , products , tournaments and techniques you’ve come to expect f rom Mar l in. The latest advice and techniques for big-game f i shing are del ievered di rect ly to your inbox wi th Mar l in’s eNews letter. Mar l in ’s Facebook page i s the source for up-to-the-minute informat ion about the sport . Vi s i t www.mar l inmag.com to s ign up for our eNews letter. You can al so download the f ree Mar l in app f rom the iTunes store or you can receive Mar l in through the Zinio newsstand app avai lable for both iOS and Android plat forms . P r i n t | O n l i n e | M o b i l e | S o c i a l | E N e w s M A R L I N M A G . C O M c o m e t o g e t h e r