BYS 2024 Annual Meeting Featured Image

Top Sales and Support Contributions Celebrated at the Bluewater Annual Meeting

Apr 4, 2024 | Magazine | 0 comments

Once a year, Bluewater Yacht Sales honors the hard work and efforts made by everyone on our team and recognizes the success that individuals reached in he prior calendar year. “This event is highly anticipated by our salespeople, admins, the marketing team and all involved,” explained General Manager Wyatt Lane.

Bluewater team members enjoy a meal at their annual meeting

“It is the one time a year everyone can take a break from the day-to-day details to stop and recognize just how much we achieve as a team.”

In January of 2024, the Bluewater team came together to celebrate in the fun town of Charleston, South Carolina to recognize the successes of 2023 and prepare for another great year in 2024. The Annual Sales Meeting kicked off on Monday, the 15th with a welcome reception and Lowcountry oyster roast, providing an opportunity for team members arriving from Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida to unwind and catch up with each other. On Tuesday, we reconvened with business meetings, heard from keynote speaker Katheryn Burchett, Executive Vice President of Western Operations of Safe Harbor Marinas, as well as Bluewater executives Randy Ramsey and Jud Black, before holding break-out strategy and goal sessions for the New Year.

The full team evaluated sales performance data together, and also focused on the growing achievements of our central marketing efforts. “We may be a small company by some outside measures, but what we pull off for our customers is huge!” explained Wyatt.

This busy, but exciting day concluded with an annual awards dinner, where the entire company celebrated our 2023 top producers and the employees best exemplifying our company culture. This year, Bluewater had twenty-four awards presented to eighteen individuals. The most prestigious awards went to Clark Sneed for Top Sales Overall and Top New Boat Sales, and Scott James earning Top Brokerage Sales and the Top Gun Award, for selling the most units last year.

Bluewater Sales Manager Baxter Lusink acknowledged their achievements, “Both Clark and Scott work tirelessly for their customers. Whether their goals are met via high value vessels, or a large number of transactions, they are always at or near the top of our highest performers year-in and year-out. This is a testament to their product knowledge, around-the-clock availability and genuine character that is extended to everyone they work with.”

Kelsea Hall and Chuck Meyers at the Bluewater Annual Meeting
Daryl Brower and Heidi Speciale at the Bluewater Annual Meeting
Bob Hoste and Connie Mitchell at the Bluewater Annual Meeting
Marketing Director Blake Tice received the Jan Boone Memorial Award for his exceptional drive and work ethic, and Brandi Burch the Excellence & Dedication Award for her work supporting sales efforts from the Hampton, Virginia, office.

“When Brandi first joined us, we instantly knew she was going to make a fantastic closing admin,” recalled Wyatt. “She now works hand-in-hand with clients, brokers, banks, and other brokerage firms non-stop, seeking to make the process as easy as possible. We constantly receive messages from buyers and sellers praising how seamless the deals flow under Brandi’s management.”

The Jan Boone Memorial Award commemorates Bluewater’s long-time Past President and is additionally prestigious in that it is the only award voted on by our entire team at-large. Bluewater Sales Director Jud Black had the following to say about this year’s honoree, Blake Tice, “Blake worked under Jan for several years and she tossed him into many frays; everything from setting up boat shows to managing our CRM, working on listings, and more. Wearing all of those hats is nearly impossible, but he has never faltered and never slowed down. Blake has always worked relentlessly and without selfishness to support everybody in our organization, just as Jan did. I am 100% certain she is smiling down on us and would wholly support Blake being this year’s recipient.”

Congratulations to the award recipients and thank you to all of our team members who worked together to make 2023 a success. And as always, it’s very enjoyable to get away and celebrate together!

2023 Award Recipients

Clark Sneed Top Sales Overall Award

Clark Sneed | Wrightsville Beach, NC

Top Sales Overall, Top New Boat Sales

Scott James gets award at Bluewater Annual Meeting

Scott James | Hampton, VA

Top Brokerage Sales, Top Gun Award

Blake Tice

Blake Tice | Hampton, VA

Jan Boone Memorial Award

Brandi Burch

Brandi Burch | Hampton, VA

Excellence & Dedication Award

Preston Frieze

Preston Frieze | Wrightsville Beach, NC

Top Finance Producer Award

John Prather

John Prather | Ocean City, MD

High Flyer Award

Paramount Award
Scott James
Clark Sneed

Ovation Award
Jeremy Blunt
Daryl Brower
Hawk Ennis
Preston Frieze

Commitment to Excellence Award

Carl Beale
Jud Black
Mark Connors
Joe Green
Connor Hall

Scott MacDonald
Roger Mooney
John Prather
Matt Serafin
Hank Sibley
Chase Sutton