The Next Chapter of the Valhalla Fleet is an Immediate Success
On July 27th, 2020, Healey announced the next chapter of the Valhalla fleet with the V-46. As the new flagship of the Valhalla line, the 46 has taken the high performance, fish-forward design of the V-41 and added in more accommodations, living space, and creature comforts more commonly seen in larger express and sportfish boats.

Addition by Subtraction
Another innovation showcased in the V-46 is found in the console with a dedicated machinery room. Until now, center console builders have advertised easy access to components, but Valhalla is changing the game with a separate room just for access to generators, batteries, battery distribution systems, a water heater and more. It’s a carry-over from how their bigger Viking cousins are configured. Components that require access and periodic maintenance will be contained in this space that is a true walk-in and stand-up electrical and mechanical space, which is accessed through a watertight door in the head.