An Unlikely Journey from Anonymity to Industry Leader
An Unlikely Journey from Anonymity to Industry Leader Randy Ramsey is now well known for his accomplishments in custom boat building, co-founding Jarrett Bay, partnering in Bluewater Yacht Sales and many other businesses, and perhaps most widely as the voice of the...
The Regulator 30XO Hits the Sweet Spot for this Seasoned Fisherman
The Regulator 30XO Hits the Sweet Spot for this Seasoned Fisherman With the incredible variety of fishing boats available on the market today, it’s always reaffirming to have a deeply experienced owner keep coming back to your brands for more. After forty years of...
Viking Yachts Unveils New 74′ Convertible
Hull 1 to Debut at Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show This Month Following up on a surprise announcement earlier this year for the 82′ convertible, Viking Yachts has stepped it up yet again by introducing an all new ground-breaking model, this one coming in...
Regulator 41 Provides an Exceptional Fishing Platform
Regulator 41 Provides an Exceptional Fishing Platform As a recent NCAA Division III National Champion and now a second-year professional lacrosse star, Cross Ferrara knows a thing or two about surveying the field and taking his shot. Noted by media and fans as...
The Growing Bluewater Marketing Team is Dedicated to Helping the Sales Process
The Growing Bluewater Marketing Team is Dedicated to Helping the Sales Process In the highly competitive industry of yacht sales, the marketing prowess of a dedicated team can make all the difference. Enter the Bluewater Yacht Sales marketing team, now a group of four...
Viking Yachts Celebrates 60 Years of Success
Viking Yachts Celebrates 60 Years of Success Generous amounts of ingenuity, determination, courtesy, and respect are deeply woven into the winning composition of the Healey family and Viking Yachts. These, and many other, qualities have enabled Viking to dominate the...
Marlins for Mason is the East Coast’s Newest, Most Inspirational Fishing Tournament
Marlins for Mason is the East Coast’s Newest, Most Inspirational Fishing Tournament Amanda Prather holds a lot of titles ranging from Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant and primary caregiver to simply Mom. Those were understandable goals and life choices, but...
Peak Performer: Everglades 315CC
Peak Performer: Everglades 315CC The all-new Everglades 315CC is a notable addition to the renowned Everglades lineup, combining performance, safety and versatility in delivering an extraordinary on-water experience. Crafted with precision and attention to detail,...
North Carolina Family Going Full Throttle with New Viking 72C
North Carolina Family Going Full Throttle with New Viking 72C Chris Worden grew up in Fort Lauderdale and fondly remembers his first fishing trips with friends as a teenager. After meeting his wife Wendy at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, the couple...
Top Sales and Support Contributions Celebrated at the Bluewater Annual Meeting
Top Sales and Support Contributions Celebrated at the Bluewater Annual Meeting Once a year, Bluewater Yacht Sales honors the hard work and efforts made by everyone on our team and recognizes the success that individuals reached in he prior calendar year. “This event...