Bluewater friend Bill Farrior and his family aboard their boat “Job Site” recently enjoyed an amazing day of fishing which ended in a grand slam thanks to Jr. Angler William releasing a blue marlin.
We had the most incredible day fishing on Saturday. We caught 6 whites and Wendy caught a sail. At 3:00 we started getting all the dredges and teasers up. Pulled the riggers up. Had all but the two bridge poles in the boat. One big pole and one small pole. Had a huge splash on the dink bait. Hooked up blue marlin! Passed the rod to William and he did an incredible job angling a 250 pound blue marlin on stand up tackle. 35 minutes later we got the release. Our 2nd grand slam in all the years fishing And Williams 1st light tackle Blue one!! What a way to end the day.
Ironically we caught 6 whites with our 1st slam!