
2012 Bluewater Rendezvous

July 2012 | Hampton, VA to Irvington, VA

The 2012 Bluewater Rendezvous was a highly successful get-together and cruise from our very own Bluewater Yachting Center in Hampton ending at the Tides Inn in Irvington.

The Bluewater Rendezvous is a casual weekend get-together and cruise that ends at one a select location. The 2012 event includes group camaraderie, boat christenings, and planned events which include:

  • Boat hopping
  • Cocktails & hors d’oeuvres
  • Seminars & product demos
  • Sea-trial Bluewater stock boats
  • Explore nearby cruising destinations
  • Cornhole Challenge
  • Eastern Shore Feast
  • Customer boat christenings
  • Boat hopping
  • Cocktails & hors d’oeuvres
  • Seminars & product demos
  • Sea-trial Bluewater stock boats
  • Explore nearby cruising destinations
  • Cornhole Challenge
  • Eastern Shore Feast
  • Customer boat christenings

Event Photo Album

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